NPE Friends Fellowship
Raising awareness by providing community and education
to those affected by an NPE discovery.
Awareness · Community · Education
Since 2018, NPE Friends Fellowship has been serving the NPE Community as a non-profit organization. Our mission is to raise awareness by providing community and education to those affected by an NPE discovery.
In genealogy, an NPE is an event-designation on the family tree to flag a Non-Parental event (previously known as a Non-Paternal Event.) This is when the presumed-to-be parent has been proven, through DNA testing, not to be the true biological parent. We give more humanity to the NPE designation by referring to it as Not Parent Expected.
It has been estimated that 5-10% of the world’s population are NPEs.
Whether you made this discovery years ago or just found out today, knowing how to cope may feel overwhelming.
NPE Friends Fellowship is here to help.
Currently, we are serving over 9,000 individuals and their families, in more than 40 countries around the globe.

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